CQC 2024 Planning Meeting

CQC 2024 Planning Meeting

Connecting Queer Communities has a big year ahead. What will we do? That’s up to YOU! Want to help CQC plan what we events we get up to this year? Come on down to the planning meeting and make your voice heard. We’ll pay you for your time and your ideas....

Queer Movie Night #2 – July 28, 2023

The second Queer Movie Night was great.                 We got together, ate some dinner (pizza this time) and watched some more episodes of the Netflix series Special about a gay twentysomething man with cerebral palsy. Some...

CQC at Burnaby Pride July 22, 2023

We had a wonderful sunny day staffing the Connecting Queer Communities booth at Burnaby Pride. We gave out info, helping people make buttons, talking about the Disability Pride Flag… We got to meet some fabulous people. And fabulous dogs. And fabulous dinosaurs....

CQC at Luminesque June 23, 2023

We went to Celebrities 2SLGBTQIA+ night club to see a performance of the Luminesque queer dance troupe. The show was fantastic, the club was hot, and we got to meet some great new folks – both audience members and performers....