CQC Queer Prom – Fri, Dec 8 2023

On Friday, December 8th, CQC held a sparkly party for everyone who never had a Prom, weren’t able to be out at their prom, or who never got a chance to party with their queer friends at prom. It was a joyous celebration filled with food, music, a dancefloor, a...
The Guardian: ‘Disabled People Are Sexual’

The Guardian: ‘Disabled People Are Sexual’

This article in the Guardian explores how audio pornography is making pleasure accessible for (and by) Disabled people. It’s not easy to find positive and affirming representation of disabled bodies in pornography; it’s far more common for people to think...
SiXPO Festival is Seeking Volunteers!

SiXPO Festival is Seeking Volunteers!

SIXPO festival, a sexuality festival centering the voices of those with disabilities, is seeking volunteers. What is SIXPO? SIXPO (Sexuality, Inclusion and Exploration) is a festival organized by and for folks with disabilities, in which we will discuss, reflect and...